Money detection devices. When you get fake money will definitely make you irritated, angry or feel cheated. For those of you who rarely receive counterfeit money loss may not be too many, but for those who have a shop, worked as a cashier, or frequently receive cash, then this is a disaster. With the increasingly widespread circulation of counterfeit money, then you should start to be vigilant and take preventive or antidote before you actually get fake money so catastrophic loss does not happen to you. Perhaps you already know and hear a way to distinguish counterfeit money, which is seen, touched, and diterawang. But it turns out the conventional way is not always effective, in some of these cases, how it has been applied, but there is still some chances. With more advanced technology development at this time, it is possible for the perpetrator counterfeiters to make counterfeit money can be as similar as possible to the original even they are able to create watermarks with a texture similar to real money. So how to prevent catastrophic losses from this fake money? Of course there is a very helpful way is by means of detection of counterfeit money or money detector of Galaxy GX-M2008 money sensor device with a magnifying glass and a watermark. Sensor current funds is very helpful to check whether a bill is genuine or counterfeit. Easy and simple way of life does not require any special skills that you need to do is turn on the device and put a certain part with the money which examined the original Money will show you something memendar light. So this tool is very simple to use and does not require much time.